General Lecture - The Closing of Applied Chemistry Course

The story behind "Penutupan Kuliah Umum Kimia Terapan" live event.
YouTube thumbnail for live event of General Lecture - The Closing of Applied Chemistry Course.
YouTube thumbnail for live event of General Lecture - The Closing of Applied Chemistry Course.
The event was livestreamed for public via YouTube on 19 Sep 2020.
This general lecture was part of various general lecture organised by Chemistry Department at that period.

Some Parts on The Images, Videos and Other Documentations in This Website Has Been Watermarked and Blurred to Protect Personal and Sensitive Informations.


  • As I've said before, this event is part of various general lecture organised by Chemistry Department at that time. Aside from this one, there are a few other theme for each weeks, which lasted for four or five weeks in my remembrance.
  • Aside from organised this live event, I designed thumbnail, title screen, splashscreen and promotion post too for the event. I am gonna include the documentation later.
  • For this event, I used following:
    • Software:
      • Prism Live Studio for virtual (?) mixing various sources such as videos, audios, screens, title screens, and many more. But the program is so heavy to be used in the laptop that I was facilitated with at that time......... 😔 The event became so lagged and heavy at that time..... I am sorry.....
      • Adobe Illustrator for designing thumbnail, frame, and title screen used in the live event. Also there is a promotion post that I created, at least for myself to promote the event at that time...
    • Services:
      • YouTube for livestreaming the event.
      • Zoom for online meeting with the speakers and all participants.
    • Resources:

Rerun of Livestream Event

You can watch the rerun livestream event through this embedded YouTube video from my channel below 😃

Extended Documentation

Will be updated later, probably. I haven't edited and watermarked the images, yet.😅✌🏻